doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.6.27eng

UDC 631.862:573.


A.Yu. Vinarov, D.P. Sokolov, V.N. Smirnov, Z.N. Robysheva

Scientific Research Institute of Protein Biosynthesis,
27, ul. Solzhenitsyna, Moscow, 109004 Russia,

Received November 12, 2012

Animal and poultry farms are known to pollute soil, water and air, being even more dangerous for environment then the large industrials complexes. Production of biofuels from different organic wastes is obviously effective with respect to the environment problems and as a regional source of energy. It also stimulates the development of wastless chemes in agriculture and farm livestock. A significant number of industrial complexes for biomethan production are located in Africa, Latine America, Asia and the Near East. The countries in the Western Europe, in particular Germany and France, are also very interested in the biofuel produced from wastes. We considered the approach to intensification of non-stop biogase production by fermentation, using a succession of the natural microflora of manure with more effective microbial association of methan generating bacteria. The resultes of thermophilic fermentation of manure were used as an experimental base. This approach allows to recommend for practical use the optimazed technological cheme of methan tanks connection, which provides for the increased rate of fermentation and biogase output, when the manure wastes are used as a substrate for bacterial association of Methanobacterium omelianskii, Methanococcus mazei, Corynebacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Arthrobacter simplex.

Keywords: ecology, dungy stock, anaerobic digestion, biofuels, biogas, natural microflora of manure, a consortium of microorganisms, process optimization, the replacement cultures of microorganisms, anaerobic digester, the optimal scheme of fermentation.


Full article (Rus)



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