doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2022.4.718eng

UDC: 619:616.155.194.8-056.5

Supported financially by the grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Agreement No. 20-016-00105/20 dated 03/20/2020)



N.A. Balakirev, A.A. Deltsov, S.V. Pozyabin, V.I. Maximov

Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, 23, ul. Akademika K.I. Skryabina, Moscow, 109472 Russia, e-mail Balakirev@mgavm, (✉ corresponding author), rector@mgavm,

Balakirev N.A.
Pozyabin S.V.
Deltsov A.A.
Maximov V.I.

Received March 16, 2022

Iron is an essential trace element necessary for the implementation of many processes in the body (metabolism regulation, DNA and ATP synthesis, oxygen transfer, tissue respiration, erythropoiesis, immune response). In caged fur animals, iron deficiency anemia leads to significant economic losses due to a decrease in viability and fertility, and a deterioration in the fur quality. Therefore, the study of the causes of this microelementosis, the development of pharmacological agents and techniques for its prevention and treatment remain a topical issue. In our report, we present data confirming the modeling of this pathology using an atraumatic approach, i.e., the diet we proposed, which is low in cost and simple in its ingredients. As a model object, white rats were used, which, in terms of physiological parameters, are more similar to fur-bearing animals than other laboratory animals. The aim of the study was experimental modeling of iron deficiency anemia in laboratory rats in order to extrapolate the results obtained on this model to fur animals in the future. From 4-month-old white outbred laboratory rats weighing 200 g, two groups of 10 individuals were formed. Control animals received a generally accepted balanced diet which corresponded to the consumption norms for laboratory rats and was 4 g proteins, 2 g fats, 25 g carbohydrates, and 0.5-1.0 g fiber. In the experimental group a specially developed diet was applied which was 4 times less in the iron content, but corresponded to the feeding norms in terms of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals (excluding iron). After 45 days, the rats in the experimental group developed iron deficiency anemia. As compared to the control rats, receiving a diet not deficient in iron, there was a significant (p ≤0.05) decrease in hemoglobin (by 37.5 g/l), hematocrit (by 18.35 %), the number of erythrocytes (by 3.57×1012/l), the concentration of serum iron (by 18.44 µmol/l), the average volume of erythrocyte (by 14.02 fl), the average content of hemoglobin per erythrocyte (by 6.26 pg) and per erythrocyte mass (by 73.29 g/l). The anemia of the animals was hypochromi and macrocytic. From day 17 of the experiment, shortness of breath and increased heart rate occurred, from day 24, the body temperature decreased which indicates the development of an anemic syndrome in the rats. Up to day 14, the color of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the general condition of the rats in both groups corresponded to the norm. After day 14, anemic skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity were observed in rats receiving an experimental diet with a limited iron content. In addition, lethargy and general depression occurred. Our results demonstrated the ability to effectively simulate iron deficiency anemia in laboratory rats, minimizing stress and eliminating physical and mental traumatization of animals, the risk of their death, and side effects. The model has been successfully applied in evaluating the effectiveness of a complex microelement preparation based on a polymaltose complex of Fe3+ hydroxide. In the future, we plan to use the model of iron deficiency anemia in rats to develop methods for the prevention and correction of this pathology in farmed fur-bearing animals.

Keywords: fur farming, iron deficiency anemia, iron preparations, anemia modeling, laboratory rats.



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