doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.1.107eng
UDC 635.21:581.132:581.174.1:535-1/-3
Yu.Ts. Martirosyan1, M.N. Polyakova1, T.A. Dilovarova1, A.A. Kosobryukhov1, 2
1All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
42, ul. Timiryazevskaya, Moscow, 127422 Russia,
2Institute of Fundamental Problems in Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
2, ul. Institutskaya,Pushchino, Moscow Province, 142290 Russia,
Received April 9, 2012
The authors investigated the effect of light-emitting diode irradiator with maximum in the region of red (λмакс. 630±5 nm, 660±5 nm) and blue (λмакс. 450±5 nm, 470±5 nm) light on growth processes and activity of photosynthetic apparatus in potato plants of the Nevskii early variety. It was made a conclusion, that application of light-emitting diode irradiators in controllable conditions of phytotron may be useful technique during potato growing subject to changes of spectrum composition in plant ontogenesis.
Keywords: potato, photosynthesis, growth, light diodes.
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