Zhuchaev K.V., Kochneva M.L., Borisenko E.A. Welfare of productive animals (review)  |
Konovalova E.N., Romanenkova O.S., Gladyr E.A. et al. Formation of the taste qualities of beef: genetic and physiological mechanisms and the factors of influence (review)  |
UlimbashevM.B., KonikN.V., Krasnova O.A. et al. Use and preservation of local dairy cattle breeds (review)  |
Smekalova A.A., Lebedeva I.Yu. The role of somatotropic hormone in the endocrine and local control of reproductive function in the domestic hen (Gallus domesticus L.) (review)  |
Chaickaya K.D., Lemyakin A.D., Tyazhchenko A.N. et al. Association of the leptin gene allelic variants with dairy productivity parameters in cows of Kostroma, Yaroslavl and black-and-white breeds of the Kostroma region  |
Kalinkova L.V., Kuptsova N.A. Genetic characterization of the Russian population of German classic ponies by STR loci and genes affecting coat colour  |
Kosovsky G.Yu., Skobel O.I., Glazko T.T. Potential sources of negative effects of gene editing in animals  |
Osipov V.Yu., Kuleshov S.V., Zaytseva A.A. et al. Analysis of the physiological state dynamics in dairy cows based on video monitoring  |
Selionova M.I., Trukhachev V.I., Aybazov A-M.M. et al. Metabolic and antioxidant profile of Nubian and Karachay goats (Capra hircus L.)  |
Avdeev N.V. about the dose-dependent effect of exogenous 20-hydroxyecdysone on the hypopharyngeal gland and behavior of adult bees Apis mellifera L.  |
Lebedeva I.Yu., Mityashova O.S., Aleynikova O.V. et al. The levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones and their relationship with ovarial hormones during the ovulatory cycle of young laying hens (Gallus domesticus L.)  |
Silyukova Yu.L., Fedorova E.S., Stanishevskaya O.I. Assessment of the cytological integrity and functional usefulness of thawed rooster (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) spermatozoa under the influence of antioxidant components of cryoprotective media —
inositol and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NP)  |
Vostroilova G.A., Shabunin S.V., Shabanov D.I. et al. Study of antimutagenic effect of hydrophilic cryofraction of bovine spleen  |
MaslennikovaI.L., MikhailovskayaV.S., Afanas’evskayaE.V. et al. The species spectrum of milk microbiota in healthy cows and animals with mastitis has differences  |
Sokolova O.V., ZubarevaV.D., BezborodovaN.A. et al. Antibiotic resistance, pathogenicity and virulence genes of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, isolated from the reproductive tract and mammary gland of cattle (Bos taurus) during inflammation  |
Abed Alhussen M., Krotova A.O., Fedorova O.E. et al. Development of Real-Time PCR test systems or detection of Mycoplasma bovis and M. bovigenitalium DNA  |