C u 20 90±5,4 80±4,7 96±5,8 30 80±3,2 75±3,9 86±2,4 40 72±4,6 67±2,9 74±3,4 50 68±2,9 62±3,2 64±6,0 75 65±4,2 58±3,6 60±4,5 100 60±2,6 52±4,4 58±3,9
RPC were inhibition of majority of the indicators by no more than 25 and rooting of the most sensitive species without lethal effects. 1. Growth indices of shoots and roots relative to control, in tested plant species depending on contents of zinc when growing on a filter paper in Petri dishes Х ± х
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Time after lambing, days Control Experimental groups
Blood serum of lambs 1 st 69,40±5,14 95,40±1,74 94,00±1,66 3 rd 72,55±2,21 99,57±6,13 96,20±5,43 7 th 66,36±2,26 90,50±1,48 102,00±5,97 21 st 93,07±2,40 106,40±2,93 92,60±2,09 60 th 64,93±1,16 71,33±3,24 82,27±2,87 90 th 78,85±4,92 74,93±2,54 106,50±2,75 , and P 0.05, P 0.01 and P 0,001, resp. Se content in the blood of lambs for 7 days was correlated with
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A prospective clinical study of the relationship between the computer assisted assessment of human semen quality and the achievement of pregnancy in vivo.
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Hanno 999900 n = 9 had the branch type of pattern.
Yasenka 2083 combo . The similar shape of stripes in lateral areas of nasolabial mirror was also found. All the daughters of Rimat 22, except Taratora 348, had white markings of various shapes and sizes over nasolabial surface. Some of his daughters Tigritsa 9176, Solovka 8208, Tamga 346 and Dalnaya 2066 had light colored areas on the lower lip,
Identification and validation of molecular markers linked to the leaf rust resistance gene
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O – 27,87 melting temperature of avermectin hemisuccinate 158 161 °C.
Konobeevo settlement on pasture grazed sheep aged 1,5 2,0 years. Among the animals spontaneously invaded with gastro intestinal strongylatosis there were selected a group of individuals 50 animals, I experiment upon the results of laboratory faecal tests based on Fulleborn’s indicator of invasion intensity.
L соответственно F и L локусов групп крови встречались почти в 2 раза чаще табл.
F3 7 8 долей крови черно пестрой породы и 1 8 ЂЂЂ зебу генетически ближе к черно пестрой породе, чем к зебу. Аналогичное расположение исходных пород по отношению к гибридам разных поколений наблюдается и у другой породной группы скота, выведенной в результате скрещивания животных красной степной породы с зебу см.
CCS , water deficiency, fractional structure of water,
CCS , water deficiency, fractional structure of water, ferments systems, a pigments complex, foliar spray, microelements. Известно, что в жизнедеятельности растений важнейшую роль играет влагообеспеченность. Особенность процессов адаптации к засухе тем более в присутствии дополнительного стресс фактора ЂЂЂ высокой температуры заключается в комплексности специфичных и неспецифичных ответных реакций.
II группе содержание линолевой кислоты уменьшалось пропорционально инъецируемой дозе &alpha токоферилхинона Р 0,05 .
II 3 я 5,16±0,36 0,69±0,04 П р и м е ч а н и е. Описание групп и подгрупп см. в разделе «Методика». Рис. 1. Содержание a токоферола в ткани стенки тонкого кишечника у поросят помесей ландрас x крупная белая при введении в рацион витамина Е в дозе 33 и 270 мг кг корма соответственно А и Б и внутримышечных инъекциях экзогенного a токоферилхинона:
F4 Красноуфимская 68 x Московская 35, Л 2 — индивидуальным отбором из гибридной популяции Себакве x Саратовская 29,
F4 Красноуфимская 68 x Московская 35, Л 2 — индивидуальным отбором из гибридной популяции Себакве x Саратовская 29, Л 8 — из популяции сложного гибрида Саратовская 44 x В 406 x Комета x Сайпресс , Л 10 — из популяции, полученной скрещиванием растений гибрида Саратовская 44 x В 406 и сорта Московская 35.
NAD during the period when other subunits are closed by
The second and third variants: the content of hydrazones of pyruvate in samples was determined after purification by thin layer chromatography. The synthesis of 2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazones was followed by extraction of them with toluene and the reverse extraction into an aqueous solution of soda 7 .
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Romanov sheep, rumen, fermentation, chyme, amylase, volatile fatty acids, ammonia, microbiota. REFERENCES Russell J.B., Rychlik J.L. Factors that alter rumen microbial ecology. Science , 2001, 292 5519 : 1119 1222 Agarwal N., Kamra D.N., Chaudhary L.C. Rumen microbial ecosystem of domesticated ruminants.
CO2 растениями. Действительно, интенсивность фотосинтеза у растений,
Cелекция и семеноводство сельскохозяйственных культур ЂЂЂ неотъемлемая часть эффективного растениеводства. В задачу этой отрасли входит получение высокоурожайных, а также размножение перспективных районированных сортов и гибридов растений. Современная технология включает использование культуры клеток и тканей,
R 2 З е р н о в ы е к у л ь т у р ы Я ч м е н ь Песчаные,
Cs хорошо описывается совокупностью экспонент, каждая из которых аппроксимирует изменение этого показателя в определенный период времени 3 . Анализ данных, характеризующих изменение КП, показывает, что для разработки регрессионных моделей целесообразно выделить три временных периода. В течение 1 го 1987 1991 годы протекали интенсивные процессы перераспределения и фиксации 137
Degree of antibody binding, BSA SD 50 conjugate already after the 2nd injection at the 1st blood sampling provided obtaining antibodies with a working titer 1:5000 allowing determination of
SD residues were determined by the own developed method in following objects: 20 samples of whole cow milk, 7 samples of milk powder, samples of chicken meat and eggs obtained from a commercial network market of Moscow. Results. A thin layer liquid chromatography showed the absence of any impurities in the sulfadimidine derived from a pharmaceutical.
Shin J., Guevarra R., Lee J.H., Kim D.W., Seol K.
Str . bovis, which are associated with the occurrence of acidosis and laminitis in horses. The genus Treponema bacteria was revealed from 2.2В±0.22 to 6.5В±0.40 which are associated with the occurrence of periodontitis in horses. The enterobacteria of the genera Enterobacter , Serratia , and Escherichia were detected,
Citrobacter spp. 21 14,0 11 10,9 Morganella morganii 4 2,7 0 0
On the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day the mice were euthanized with ether, autopsied and the feces were collected from the large intestine contents into a sterile single use vessel for the investigation of microflora. Microorganisms were isolated using common bacteriological techniques analysis and definition were based upon morphological,
DN between different animal species plotted upon the frequency of 25 loci identified in amplification spectra through
PIC was determined using a formula for diallel loci: PIC = 2f 1 f , where f frequency of one of the two alleles. PIC mean was found over the entire spectrum of amplification products PICm . The estimates of amplicons’ polymorphism were used to calculate genetic distances DN, M. Nei, 1978 between groups,
Seip D., Weckworth B.V., Musiani M. Survival in the
Respubliki Sakha Yakutiya na 2002 2006 gody . Utv. rasporyazheniem Prezidenta Respubliki Sakha Yakutiya ot 23 dekabrya 2002 goda № 328 RP The President Program for social and economic development of the Sakha Republic in 2002 2006. Approved by the decree of President of Sakha Republic № 328 RP of December 23,
Silencing the flavonoid pathway in Medicago truncatula inhibits root nodule formation and prevents auxin transport regulation by rhizobia.
Op den Camp H.J.M., Bouwmeester H., Kohlen W., Bisseling T., Geurts R. Rhizobium lipo chitooligosaccharide signaling triggers accumulation of cytokinins in Medicago truncatula roots. Molecular Plant , 2015, 8 8 : 1213 1226 Kisiala A., Laffont C., Emery J.R.N., Frugier F. Bioactive cytokinins are selectively secreted by
P200,1 260,0PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 0,70m0,15 0,70m0,40 3,74 4,71 1,50 1,74 0,84 0,82 1,46 1,51 1,06 1,07 1,00 1,05 5,15 7,13 0,60 2,65 0,67 0,87 П р и м е ч а н и е :
PВ условиях юга Оренбургской области для начала цветения моркови было необходимо 46 сут после отрастания или 52 сут после посадки корнеплодов. Сначала завершалось цветение зонтика главного стебля, после чего цветение распространялось на зонтики побегов 2 го и других порядков. При этом зонтики на побегах 2 го порядка из разных ярусов главного стебля и розеточных побегов зацветали почти одновременно разница 3 4 сут .
Ae. cylindrica regardless of crossing direction ,
Belarusskaya 12 × Lutescens 6747 regardless of crossing direction, the weight of 1000 grains Ae. comosa Belarusskaya 12 × Altayskaya 92 in direct crosses, Lutescens 6747 Í Ae. comosa Omskaya 19 in backcrosses the productive tillering in direct crosses Ae. cylindrica Omskaya 19 ×
L. on growth performance, carcass characteristics,
Dihydroquercetin, the bioactive substance, to be used against pathogenic microorganisms as an alternative to antibiotics. Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya Agricultural Biology , 2015, 50 4 : 513 519 Shuhao W., Lin Z., Jiaolong L., Jiahui C., Feng G., Guanghong Z. Effects of dietary marigold extract supplementation on growth performance,
In the experiment with bulls sires, this ratio was equal to 3,5:1,0.
Activity, units.: amylolytic 1464± 12 1632± 10 1416± 8 1752± 15 2136± 17 lipolytic 14 736± 39 15 912± 41 13 008± 23 17 112± 52 19 056± 81 Content, g: dry matter 386,49± 6,50 417,84± 4,40 321,21± 7,40 525,20± 1,70 511,89± 8,30 total nitrogen 20,2± 0,3 26,3± 1,0 14,8± 0,5 34,2± 1,1 30,2± 0,7 protein nitrogen 16,6± 0,4 19,2± 1,0 12,1± 0,5 24,5± 0,3 21,6± 0,6 residual nitrogen 3,6± 0,3 7,1± 0,3 2,7± 0,3 9,7± 0,6 8,6± 0,6
Cd, мы остановились на ступенчатой схеме селекции,
Excel 2003. Результаты . Как было показано, каллус формировался с высокой частотой при концентрации 2,4 Д в среде 3 мг л, регенерационная способность была наибольшей при концентрации 3 мг л в среде для получения и 1 мг л ЂЂЂ в среде для пассирования каллуса. Частота регенерации растений из каллусных тканей,
Unexpected effects of chitinases on the peach potato aphid
Hatakeda K., Shirata A. Antimicrobial activity of culture filtrate of Bacillus amyloligauefaciens Rc 2 isolated from mulberry leaves. Phythopathol ., 2001, 91: 181 187. Knaak N., Rohr A., Fiuza L. In vitro effect of Bacillus thuringiensis strains and Cry proteins in phytopathogenic fungi of paddy rice field.
Russ. . Zimoglyadova T.V., Zhadan V.V., Nakaznoi S.V.
Perhaps the effectiveness of the studied drugs depended on weather conditions, but was generally positive in terms of the main assessed indicators. Thus, our data convincingly indicate the effectiveness of multifunctional biologics which combine microbial antagonists of fungal plant pathogens with chitosan,
At the hypodinamia, from 90 to 180 th days of life we observed shortening the periods of standing and,
Vylgortskaya scientific and experimental biological station of the affiliate of Presidium of Komi Scientific Center of UB RAS, Siktyvkar city . Explanation: А, Б, В, Г abscissa Age, days, ordinate left Duration of periods, min days, ordinate right Number of periods within a day Under the conditions of normal locomotion and hypodynamia,
Congress on В«Soil science in International year of soils 2015В» .
Russia,В the studied agroecological factors have the greatest effect on the water regime and performanceВ of A. deliciosa cv. Hayward plants during the period of fruit formation in August September . Keywords: actinidia kiwi , cv. Hayward, water regime, productivity, heat supply, moisture supply,
J . Soils Sediments , 2018, 18 7 : 2511 2519 Ippolito
The biochar application was accompanied by an increase in the total bacteria diversity and by the abundance of phyla Planctomycetes , Verrucomicrobia , Proteobacteria and FBP representatives but also by a decrease in the abundance of phyla Actinobacteria , Nitrospirae, Firmicutes and Fibrobacteres representatives.
BS2 — coefficients of intra and interbreed similarity.
Productivity type Productivity characteristics Egg production, pcs year Live weight, kg Egg weight, g Yurlov crower Brahma the Malaysian fighting chickens Meat egg 160 200 2,6 3,0 3,0 3,5 58 62 Russian Orloff Malay fighting chickens Ornamental Game 140 160 1,6 2,7 2,4 3,5 51 52 Uzbek Game Indigenous chickens from
Research , 2008, 77 2 3 : 159 173 Islam M., Islam
FBZ at the dose of 2.0 mg kg. The control group of animals did not receive the drugs. Anthelmintic activity of drugs was determined according to the data of necropsy of the intestines of mice and the results of studies of sheep feces samples by the McMaster method before and after administration of the drugs.
IV n = 5 Г е м а т о л о г и ч е с к и еP п о к а з а т е л и Гемоглобин,
IV n = 5 Г е м а т о л о г и ч е с к и еP п о к а з а т е л и Гемоглобин, г л: до введения 121,40a3,85 109,69a4,51 116,27a5,42 117,84a4,78 3 и сут 123,20a3,85 114,90a4,37 117,58a4,50 120,63a4,28 10 е сут 124,28a4,95 125,80a4,22 129,96a4,20 116,84a2,42 Число эритроцитов, m1012 л: до введения 5,29a0,14 5,32a0,34 5,56a0,41 5,08a0,14 3 и сут 5,95a0,59 5,49a0,32 6,30a0,21 5,53a0,30 10 е сут 6,47a0,39 6,10a0,34 6,29a0,32 5,33a0,22 Число лейкоцитов,
DNA assays, AFLP and MLSA, for epidemic and phylogenetic studies of pectolytic enterobacterial strains with focus on the heterogeneous species
KS gave rise to only 77.7 value. Experiments conducted in potato storage houses confirmed high biological activity of two selected bacillus strains against bacterial diseases during potato tuber storage. B. subtilis strain I5 12 23 demonstrated highly expressed antagonistic activity against causal agents of bacterial soft rot,
England , 20 — Milton Canada , 21 — Eritrospermum 609
Grain formation and ripening are the processes related to creation of an offspring generation out of the photosynthesis in leaves and other green plant organs. Premature defoliation, abscission by leaf eating insects, fungal diseases or experimental artificial deletion contribute to a stress and change in a quantitative relationship between producing plant organs and ones consuming assimilates,
Almost all local breeds showed high polymorphism degree of microsatellite loci even at small number of tested animals.
ASB23 6 – 8 – 8 R 7 V 6 – 5 – 6 – CA425 6 – 8 – 8 – 3 – 9 F 5 – 6 – HMS1 4 – 5 – 5 – 3 – 5 – 5 – 4 – HMS2 8 N 8 – 8 – 6 – 7 – 7 – 7 – HMS3 7 – 10 H, L 10 G, J, S 6 – 6 – 7 – 6 – HMS6 6 – 7 – 7 J 6 – 5 – 4 – 5 I HMS7 9 – 6 – 7 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 6 – HTG4 8 R 5 – 7 – 5 – 5 – 6 – 5 – HTG6 8 N, M 4 – 6 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 3 –
The peak of pyruvate content shifted relative to control from 3,5 h to 7 h of incubation.
Concentration of hexoses, umol cm 3 The content of pyruvic acid was established upon its ability to form 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazones, which were purified by reverse extraction from toluene solution into an aqueous solution of soda Na 2 CO 3 and transferred to the aci form by adding sodium hydroxide solution 8 .
It can be expected that such differences are the result of natural selection for high resistance to unfavorable environmental factors.
To prepare the smears, a drop of peripheral blood was mixed on a slide with a drop of saline, evenly distributed on surface, dried, fixed with methanol for 30 min and stained with Giemsa dye “Merk”, Germany . The number of erythrocytes with micronuclei was determined in 3000 cells and calculated to 1000 cells ‰ .
IV группа 1 е сут 60 е сут 1 е сут 60 е сут 1 е сут 60 е сут 1 е сут 60 е сут М о р ф о л о г и ч е с к и е п о к а з а т е л и Эритроциты,
III группы соответственно 9,38±0,98 и 8,58±0,88 10 12 л, что выше контроля на 13,8 и 4,1 . Содержание гемоглобина у молодняка норок также находилось в пределах физиологической нормы от 150,2±11,3 до 156,3±24,1 г л , к концу опыта наблюдалась тенденция к увеличению этого показателя. К окончанию эксперимента во всех опытных группах возрастало число тромбоцитов наиболее значительно — у особей из
Biotechnology , 2012, 11 18 : 4180 4186 Kubicek C.P.,
The disease signs and biometric parameters were assessed in 3 week seedlings 1 2 leaf layer phase and at row closure. Then two disease surveys were performed at the beginning and at the end of blooming, and final indicators for tubers were estimated at harvesting. Data processing by ANOVA and Student’s t test for pairwise comparison revealed that the biologics caused a significant increase in plant growth rate and the leaf area growth at the beginning of vegetation.
Antidiabetic activity of Fuscoporia oblique and Smallanthus sonchifolius in genetically type 2 diabetic mice.
Keywords: yacon, phenolic compounds, fructosans, inulin, hydroxycinnamic acid, biotic factors. REFERENCES Gins M.S., Gins V.K. Fiziologo biokhimicheskie osnovy introduktsii i selektsii ovoshchnykh kul tur Physiological and biochemical basis for vegetable crop breeding and introduction . Moscow, 2011.
Neutrophils, 63,50±6,70 62,60±1,50 67,90±1,52 69,30±4,70 65,10±3,50 65,40±6,24 60,80±9,20 68,80±9,07
III respectively, 9,38 ± 0,98 and 8,58 ± 0,88 1012 l, which exceeded control by 13,8 and 4,1 .The content of hemoglobin in young minks also corresponded the physiological norm from 150,2 ± 11,3 to 156,3 ± 24,1 g l , and the trend to its raise was observed by the end of experiment. The number of platelets increased in all experimental groups by the end of the experiment the highest levels groups
N 90 Р 90 К 90 0,041 0,146 0,802 0,131 0,421 НСР05 0,010 0,011 0,130 0,080 0,040 Среднее фоновое 0,900 1,300 8,000 ПДК для плодов и ягод 14 0,400 0,500 10,000 5,000 50,000 П р и м е ч а н и е.
Cu оказались выше предельно допустимого уровня. Превышение ПДК и регионально фонового содержания ТМ свидетельствует о возможности негативного влияния ТМ на выращиваемые культуры и получения на этих участках загрязненной продукции. Поступление микроэлементов в растения может быть пассивным по градиенту концентрации или активным против градиента концентрации с затратой энергии ,
Conf. В«Improving the adaptive potential of stone fruit crops and technologies for their cultivationВ» .
It makes easier to select initial lines for breeding. The lack of the significant valid correlations between yield and morphological traits made us to apply the factor analysis which revealed four factors with eigenvalues of 1. The contributions of these factors to the observed variability are 35.9,
Biodegradation , 2013, 24 4 : 569 581 Krivobok S.,
PAH degradation speaks in favor of an ecologically appropriate pathway for the utilization of PAHs, which reduces the negative consequences associated with the possible formation of toxic metabolites. In the G. candidum strain, the oxidation of oil and PAHs is possibly due to the activity of other enzymes,
Intrauterine growth restriction: antenatal and postnatal aspects.
P 0.05 indicates the autonomic regulation disorder and the cardiorespiratory functional system overstrain. A statistically significant relationship was found between the risk of bronchopneumonia development and the S tg2a ratio which reflects the balance of EBC oxidative and antioxidant activity r t