doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2020.5.847eng

UDC: 633.18:581:577.2

Supported financially from Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 19-16-00064



Yu.K. Goncharova1, 2 , E.M. Kharitonov1, N.A. Оchkas1, 2,
N.I. Gapishko1, Н.Н. Neschadim3

1Federal Rice Research Center, 3, Belozernii, Krasnodar, Russia 350921, e-mail (corresponding author ),,;
2LLC Aratay Skolkovo, 7, ul. Nobelya, Moscow, Russia 143026, e-mail;
3Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University, 13, ul. Kalinina, Krasnodar, Russia 350044, e-mail

Goncharova J.K.
Gapishko N.I.
Kharitonov E.M.
Neschadim Н.Н.
Оchkas N.A.

Received June 4, 2020

Organic agriculture is actively developing worldwide with a 30 % annual increase (S.Y. Dhurai et al., 2014). Today, the market for organic products reaches more than $200 billion a year. Products grown by organic farming technologies cost 20 % and sometimes 100 % higher. However, decrease in crop yields in organic farming largely eliminates the cost advantage (G.N. Fadkin et al., 2015). The use of specialized varieties should increase the profitability of organic farming (V. Seufert et al., 2012). However, there is still no clear separation in generating breeding material for these technologies. Purpose of this work is to review characteristics that must be selected when creating rice varieties for organic farming and effective working methods. Variety for this technology should possess a number of characteristics, i.e. high adaptability to biotic and abiotic stresses, competitiveness of the genotype, efficiency of mineral nutrition and photosynthesis (T. Vanaja et al., 2013). Note, all of these traits are complex and largely interconnected. So, the competitiveness of the genotype is ensured by a number of features, i.e. high growth rate; effective shoot formation (tillering); morphotype with minimal shading in dense crops; high efficiency of photosynthesis for the full use of solar energy; high root absorption (E.T. van Bueren et al., 2011; J.K. Goncharova et al., 2018). Increasing specific adaptability to a complex of stresses requires more effort and does not guarantee a result due to a significant decrease in the effect of individual genes resulted from intralocus and intergenic interactions. In nature, a complex of factors acts on the plant, which depreciates specific adaptability. Specific resistance to pathogens, as a rule, is overcome in a very short time (A.H. Bruggen, 1995). The great promise of increasing the overall adaptability of plant due to non-specific adaptability is shown. The most polymorphic loci of the Russian rice varieties for non-specific adaptability associated with the efficiency of genetic systems providing the growth rate, photosynthesis, mineral nutrition are summarized (L. Huang et al., 2016). Intensive growth, high photosynthetic activity and the effectiveness of mineral nutrition increase the vitality, allow plants to pass stress sensitive phases as quickly as possible, which reduces the likelihood of damage caused by extreme temperatures or other factors that reduce viability, including during organic farming. In Russian rice varieties, Microsatellite markers RM154, RM600, RM550, RM347, RM240, RM154, and RM509 are associated with loci for the efficiency of photosynthesis, RM261, RM6314, RM126, RM463, RM405, RM509, RM242 are associated with loci for mineral nutrition, RM463, RM245, RM242, RM3276, RM5508, RM574, RM542 are associated with salt resistance, and RM261, RM405, RM463, RM242, RM6314 are linked to loci for seedling growth rates. The markers identified by us are located in the same chromosome regions as the genes that determine the germination energy, drought resistance, tolerance to low temperatures, the morphotype and size of the root system, the ratio of the aboveground to the underground part of the plant, the stability of cell membranes under stress conditions, and the photosynthetic potential of the variety (G.A. Manjunatha et al., 2017; J. Аli et al., 2018).

Keywords: rice, adaptability, abiotic stresses, drought, salinization, non-specific resistance, mineral nutrition, organic farming.



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