УДК 633.111:631.524.84:631.527.5:631.522/.524
M.E. Mukhordova, N.A. Kalashnik
In 1996-1998 years, contrasting on weather conditions, in field conditions the authors analyzed the pair correlations and road coefficients on plant productivity elements in nuclear-cytoplasmic F1 hybrids of summer wheat. In straight crossings the Altaiskaya 92 and Lutescense 6747 varieties were the donors of nuclear, but alloplasmatic lines, containing the genome of the Belo-russkaya 12, Omskaya 19, Lutescense 232 and plasmon of the Triticum dicoccum, Aegilops comosa, Ae. cylindrical species, were the donors of cytoplasm. The hybrids containing the cytoplasm from T. dicoccum species and the nuclear from Lutescense 6747 variety of local selection demonstrate the best results on grain mass per plant regardless of crossing direction. The high positive correlation between a productivity and a grain number per ear determines the selective importance of the latter determinant. The revealed correlation between productivity elements is result of interaction between nuclear and cytoplasm and depends on weather conditions during vegetation period.
Key words: spring soft wheat, alloplasmic lines, reciprocal hybrids, correlations, path coefficients, elements of productivity.
It is known, that the determinants’ contribution in crop productivity (by their direct and indirect influence - via other characteristics) can be revealed applying the combination of correlation and directional (path) analysis (1-7). In wheat, using this approach helped to identify the main determinants directly affecting the formation of grain per plant: this is a grain weight per ear and a number of productive shoots, while the indirect effect of other determinants is manifested as a grain weight per ear (7).
The study of wheat alloplasmic hybrids and lines in Western Siberia has revealed the highest correlation between productive tillering and weight of 1000 grains, on the one hand, and plant productivity – on the other hand (8), and these correlation effects are provided by both genome and plasmon.
The purpose of this study was to analyze pair correlations and path coefficients of productivity elements for identification the most affecting the yield of F1 plants obtained by crosses of spring wheat with alloplasmic lines.
Methods. The objects of study - two varieties of spring wheat (P1), 9 alloplasmic lines (P2) and 36 reciprocal hybrids (F1). Scheme of crosses - topcross, testers – the varieties Altayskaya 92, and Lutesens 6747. Alloplasmic lines - with the cytoplasm from the species Triticum and Aegilops (T. dicoccum Schubl. Cv. Vernal, Ae. Comosa Sibth et Sm., Ae. Cylindrica Host var. typical), and the cell nucleus from the varieties Belarusskaya 12, Omskaya 19 and Lutescens 232. The field experiment was laid in 1996-1998. The original varieties, alloplasmic lines, F1 hybrids were sown (60 grains) in lines (the length - 20 cm), plant nutrition area - 200 cm2 , repetition – 3-fold. The grain was sown using the sowing tool hand planter (a predecessor - fallow) in optimum time. After harvesting, the structural analysis of productivity elements was performed.
The data were processed statistically according to BA Dospekhov (9) (two-factor variance and correlation analysis), path coefficients were calculated under the method of A.I. Sedlovskii et al. (10).
Results. The 1st year of the experiment was characterized with medium temperature conditions and soil moisture during the vegetation period, the 2nd year was optimum, and the 3rd year - a hard drought.
1. Characteristics of productivity structural elements in F1 plants obtained by crossing of spring soft wheat varieties with alloplasmic lines, estimated by years contrasting in weather conditions of growing season (Omsk, field experiment) |
Characteristic |
1-st year |
2-nd year |
3-rd year |
C |
B |
C |
B |
C |
B |
Grain weight per plant, g |
7,36 |
8,05 |
8,65 |
9,09 |
4,41 |
4,51 |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
36,87 |
37,65 |
37,81 |
38,02 |
36,63 |
37,30 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
41,91 |
42,47 |
49,80 |
50,31 |
34,39 |
34,07 |
Productive tillering, pcs |
5,88 |
6,21 |
5,60 |
5,77 |
4,53 |
4,60 |
Note: C – direct crosses, B - backcrosses |
Over the years, the greatest values were observed for various productivity elements (Table 1): in the 1st year – the productive tillering, in the 2nd year –number of grains per ear, grain size and grain weight per plant. This is consistent with terms of growing season: the year 1996 was wet, which determined high productive tillering, the year 1997 was optimal for the formation of main productivity elements.
The values of group averages for the hybrids were smaller in direct crosses and higher – in backcrosses. This fact can be explained in the first case – by the interaction of heterogeneous cytoplasm with heterozygous nucleus and, on the contrary, the related cytoplasm with heterozygous nucleus - in the second case.
In the 1st year, the following hybrid combinations with best characteristics were detected: the number of grains per ear - T. dicoccum (Belarusskaya 12) × Lutescens 6747 regardless of crossing direction, the weight of 1000 grains - Ae. comosa (Belarusskaya 12) × Altayskaya 92 in direct crosses, Lutescens 6747 Í Ae. comosa (Omskaya 19) - in backcrosses; the productive tillering in direct crosses - Ae. cylindrica (Omskaya 19) × Lutescens 6747, in backcrosses - Altayskaya 92 × Ae. cylindrica (Lutescens 232). As a result, the weight of grain per plant was higher in direct crosses of T. dicoccum (Lutescens 232) × Lutescens 6747 and in backcrosses of Ae. cylindrica (Belarusskaya 12).
In the 2nd year, the following highest values were found: the number of grains per ear - Ae. cylindrica (Belarus 1912) × Lutescens 6747 regardless of crossing direction, the grain size in direct crosses - T. dicoccum (Omsk 1919) x Lutescens 6747, in backcrosses - Lutescens 6747 × Ae. comosa (Lutescens 232); the greatest number of productive shoots - in Ae. comosa (Lutescens 232) × Altayskaya 92 in direct crosses, Lutescens 6747 × T. dicoccum (Lutescens 232) - in backcrosses.
The excess in resulting rates was found in hybrid populations of Ae. comosa (Belarusskaya 12) × Lutesens 6747 in direct crosses, Lutescens 6747 Í Ae. cylindrica (Belarusskaya 12) - in backcrosses.
In the 3rd year, the greatest number of grains per ear was observed in the hybrids T. dicoccum (Belarusskaya 12) × Lutescens 6747 in direct crosses, Altayskaya 92 × T. dicoccum (Belarusskaya 12) - in backcrosses, the weight of 1000 grains - in T. dicoccum (Belarusskaya 12) × Lutescens 6747 in direct crosses and Altayskaya 92 × Ae. comosa (Belarusskaya 12) - in backcrosses; the productive tillering - in Ae. comosa (Omskaya 19) × Lutescens 6747 regardless of crossing direction, the grain weight per plant - in Ae. cylindrica (Belarusskaya 12) x Altayskaya 92 in direct crosses, Lutescens 6747 Í T. dicoccum (Lutescens 232) - in backcrosses.
In general, the exceeding number of grain per ear in the 1st and 2nd years was observed in the hybrids with the cytoplasm of T. dicoccum (regardless of crossing direction), in the 3rd year - in direct and backcrosses – with the cytoplasm of Ae. cylindrica and T. dicoccum, respectively. Over the years, the weight of 1000 grains was similar, but the excess was observed in hybrid combinations with the cytoplasm from Ae. comosa (in the 3rd year - from Ae. comosa in direct and from T. dicoccum - in backcrosses). In the 1st year, the highest productive tillering were found in the hybrids with the cytoplasm of Ae. cylindrica and Ae. comosa, in the 2nd year - from Ae. cylindrica (regardless of crossing direction), in the 3rd year - from T. dicoccum and Ae. comosa.
In the 1st 2nd and 3rd years, the highest productivity values were established in the hybrids obtained in both direct and backcrosses with the cytoplasm of Ae. cylindrica and T. dicoccum; T. dicoccum; Ae. comosa and Ae. cylindrica, respectively.
2. Genotypic correlation coefficients between productivity elements in F1 plants, obtained by crossings of spring wheat varieties with alloplasmic lines, estimated by years contrasting in weather conditions of growing season (Omsk, a field experiment) |
Characteristic |
Number of grains per ear |
The weight of 1000 grains |
Productive tillering |
C |
B |
C |
B |
C |
B |
1-st year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,274 |
0,526* |
0,519* |
0,523* |
0,247 |
0,388 |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
-0,025 |
-0,216 |
-0,648* |
-0,355 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
-0,069 |
0,423 |
2-nd year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,830* |
0,785* |
0,588* |
0,542* |
-0,416 |
0,581* |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
0,215 |
0,113 |
-0,620* |
0,111 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
-0,352 |
0,331 |
3-rd year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,736* |
0,890* |
0,584* |
0,666* |
0,536* |
0,670* |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
0,335 |
0,539* |
0,070 |
0,432 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
0,130 |
0,430 |
Note: the same as in Table 1 * at 5% significance level r = 0,468 |
The outstandingly high productivity among the forms with related cytoplasm was manifested by descendants from hybrid combinations with the local variety Lutescens 6747 (regardless of crossing direction).
Have assessed genotypic correlations of productivity elements in F1 hybrids (Table 2) by years of observation, it has been revealed a significant conjugacy (in both direct and backcrosses) between the weight of 1000 grains and grain weight per plant, as well as between the number of grains per ear and grain weight per plant. Significant inverse correlations between the number of grains per ear and productive tillering were revealed in direct crosses in the 1st and 2nd years, while under the drought conditions of the 3rd year, the significant positive correlations were observed.
A path analysis helps to reveal the origins of observed correlations (Table 3). Thus, the grain number per ear had the greatest direct effect on plant productivity, and its indirect effects on interactions between plant productivity and grain size, as well as productive tillering, was negative in the 1st year and positive – in the 2nd and 3rd years (except the productive tillering in direct crosses).
The high direct effect from the weight of 1000 grains was manifested in combination with the negative contributions from number of grains per ear and productive tillering (except the productive tillering in backcrosses) in the 1st year and with small positive indirect effects of the same elements (except the productive tillering in direct crosses) - in the 2nd and 3rd years. This all has resulted in the significant positive correlation between the weight of 1000 grains and plant productivity.
3. Path coefficients and correlation coefficients (r) between productivity elements in F1 plants, obtained by crossings of spring wheat varieties with alloplasmic lines, estimated by years contrasting in weather conditions of growing season (Omsk, a field experiment) | ||||||||
Characteristic |
Path coefficient |
r |
Number of grains per ear |
The weight of 1000 grains |
Productive tillering |
C |
B |
C |
B |
C |
B |
C |
B |
1st year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,819 |
0,797 |
-0,015 |
-0,108 |
-0,530 |
-0,163 |
0,274 |
0,526 |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
-0,020 |
-0,172 |
0,596 |
0,501 |
-0,057 |
0,194 |
0,519 |
0,523 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
-0,530 |
-0,283 |
-0,041 |
0,212 |
0,818 |
0,459 |
0,247 |
0,388 |
2nd year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,933 |
0,704 |
0,109 |
0,038 |
-0,212 |
0,043 |
0,830 |
0,785 |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
0,201 |
0,080 |
0,509 |
0,332 |
-0,122 |
0,130 |
0,588 |
0,542 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
-0,579 |
0,078 |
-0,179 |
0,110 |
0,342 |
0,393 |
-0,416 |
0,581 |
3rd year |
Grain weight per plant, g |
0,595 |
0,662 |
0,109 |
0,095 |
0,032 |
0,133 |
0,736 |
0,890 |
Number of grains per ear, pcs |
0,199 |
0,357 |
0,326 |
0,177 |
0,059 |
0,132 |
0,584 |
0,666 |
Weight of 1000 grains, g |
0,042 |
0,287 |
0,042 |
0,076 |
0,452 |
0,307 |
0,536 |
0,670 |
Note: the same as in Table 1 The underlined values – path coefficients characterizing direct effects. Р0 — effects of unaccounted elements: Р0 (1st year, C) = 0,50; Р0 (1st year, B) = 0,38; Р0 (2nd year, C) = 0,26; Р0 (2nd year, B) = 0,20; Р0 (3rd year, C) = 0,36; Р0 (3rd year, B) = 0,33. |
The direct contribution of productive tillering was highly significant too; the reliable positive correlation between productive tillering and plant productivity was mainly determined by negative (1st and 2nd years, direct crosses) and small positive (2nd year, backcross, and 3rd year) indirect effects from number of grain per ear and grain size. Unequal indirect effects in direct and backcrosses can be explained by the influence of cytoplasm under favorable conditions in the 2nd year of the experiment. In the same year, the conjugacy of all productivity elements revealed contradictions between the effects from number of grains per ear and productive tillering in direct crosses, which was also promoted by cytoplasm effects.
Thus, the analysis of pair correlations and path coefficients of productivity elements has shown that the conjugacy between these parameters is determined by interaction of cell nucleus and cytoplasm, as well as by conditions of growing season. The best plant productivity was demonstrated by the hybrids obtained from crosses of the variety Lutescens 6747 and the cytoplasmic element of Triticum dicoccum. The high positive correlation between productivity and grain number in ear indicates the breeding value of the latter productivity element providing the greatest contribution to yields of spring wheat.
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Siberia Research and Development Institute of Agriculture, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, |
Received May 29, 2007 |