UDC 631.52+636.82]:001.4


Z.M. Petrankova, L.T. Kharchenko, L.N. Pirumova, S.A. Timofeevskaya

Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL), Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 3B Orlikov per., Moscow, 107139 Russia,
e-mail pln@cnshb.ru

Received March 2, 2015

The genetics and selection terminology processing for inclusion to microthesaurus of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library based on the the analysis of international classifications, foreign databases’ thesauruses and local database AGROS are considered. Microthesaurus’s connection with polythematic thesaurus on agriculture and food is emphasized. The technology of microthesaurus’s creation based on selection and processing of lexicon, formation of lexical entry is presented.

Keywords: genetics and selection of agricultural plants and animals; linguistic support; information retrieval languages; thesauruses; agriculture; Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL).


Full article (Rus)



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