doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.3.589eng

UDC: 633.16:632.4.01/.08:(470.62/.67)

The authors thank O.F. Vaganov, I.P. Matveev (Laboratory of the immunity of cereals to fungal diseases, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection), and R.Yu. Danilov (Laboratory of phytosanitary monitoring, instrumentation and technical support, All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection) for their assistance in the research.
Carried out in accordance with the State task No. 075-00376-19-00 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as a part of the research work on subject No. 0686-2019-0008



G.V. Volkova, A.V. Danilova, O.A. Kudinova

All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection, 14, ul. Vavilova, Krasnodar, 350039 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,

Volkova G.V.
Kudinova O.A.
Danilova A.V.

Received April 19, 2019


Barley leaf rust caused by Puccinia hordei Otth. is a harmful disease of barley. If the crop is severely damaged, the yield loss may be of 20 to 80 %. Population studies of the pathogen abroad are actively conducted in countries for which protection against the disease is of particular importance (Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Europe, the countries of Northern Africa). This paper describes the North Caucasian P. hordei population virulence in 2014-2017 to 17 differentiator varieties and barley lines of international and Australian kits containing currently known pathogen resistance genes, shows. Winter barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L.) of different varieties affected by P. hordei which were collected during route surveys in 2014-2017 in the territory of the North Caucasus served as a biomaterial. The selection and reproduction of mono-pustule isolates was carried out according to the common procedure. Barley plants were grown hydroponically with the use of Knop’s nutrient solution. To assess the virulence of the fungus, 17 varieties-differentiators and lines from the international and Australian sets containing the currently known genes of resistance to the pathogen were used. A total of 208 mono-pustule isolates of the fungus were analyzed most of which were virulent to the testers with Rph genes, the Rph1, Rph2, Rph3, Rph3 + Rph7, Rph4, Rph5, Rph7, Rph8, Rph 9 + Rph2. During the four years of study, no isolates virulent to the line with Rph13 gene were detected. In 2016-2017 as compared to 2014-2015, there was a decrease in the number of isolates virulent to the lines with genes Rph9, Rph19, and an increase in clones virulent to testers with genes Rph19 + Rph2, Rph21 + Rph2. The frequency of P. hordei isolates that are virulent to varieties and lines of barley with genes Rph5 + Rph2, Rph6 + Rph2 remained moderate throughout all the years of the research. In 2016, due to unfavorable conditions for the pathogen and the collection of spore material from a limited set of winter barley varieties affected by the pathogen, the frequency of isolates virulent to varieties and lines of barley significantly reduced. In 2014, 2015 and 2017, isolates with a large number of virulence alleles, from 11 to 15, prevailed in the population and reached 52.2 %, 39.5 % and 50.0 %, respectively. The portion of isolates, avirulent to all used plants with genes Rph, was 1.1 %, 2.1 % and 2.8 %, respectively. In 2016, the fungal isolates with moderate and low virulence alleles prevailed. The Nei index indicates a high similarity of the structure of North Caucasian pathogen population by virulence in 2014, 2015 and 2017 (N = 0.02-0.05) and its minor changes in 2016 (N = 0.14-0.19). The obtained statistical results indicate the stability of the North Caucasian P. hordei population by virulence. The level of its diversity in the frequency of virulence alleles remained medium (Hs = 0.26-0.40) throughout the entire study period.

Keywords: winter barley, leaf rust, Puccinia hordei, virulence.



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