doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.3.505eng

UDC: 632.7:632.937.14

Supported financially by the grant of Russian Science Foundation for Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (project No. 14-16-00101)



T.V. Shpatova1, M.V. Shternshis1, A.A. Belyaev1, A.A. Lelyak2,
A.I. Lelyak2

1Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 160, ul. Dobrolubova, Novosibirsk, 630039 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author),,;
2OOO NPF Research Center, 200, promzona, Koltsovo Science Town, Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk Province, 630559 Russia, e-mail,

Shpatova T.V.
Lelyak A.A.
Shternshis M.V.
Lelyak A.I.
Belyaev A.A.

Received July 8, 2018


Red raspberry Rubus idaeus L. is a widespread crop including Eurasian continent. This berry crop is often damaged by the dangerous pest, the raspberry cane midge Resselliella theobaldi (Barnes). This insect pest commonly destroys 30-80 % of raspberry canes and decreases berry yield 5-6-fold. Chemical insecticides predominate in raspberry plant protection against the pest. However, the trend of recent years lays in replacement of chemicals for ecologically safe biological agents, especially for soft fruit plant protection. The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals-Criv.) Vuill. is a well-known agent for biocontrol of Diptera insects, including the cane midge. In this paper for the first time we have used a Siberian isolate of B. bassiana as a biological agent for regulation of Siberian population of this dangerous pest of the red raspberry. The aim of the research was to demonstrate capability of Siberian B. bassiana strain to suppress the number of raspberry cane midge in the laboratory and in the field conditions for two red raspberry cultivars. B. bassiana strain IC-1480-25 was isolated from Colorado beetle dead larvae in Novosibirsk region. In the laboratory the influence of B. bassiana was studied by counting of adults flying from soil where larvae of last instar were treated with entomopathogenic fungus at 106-107 CFU/ml concentration. Laboratory test efficacy was more than 80 %. In 2015-2016 the impact of B. bassiana on R. theobaldi was studied in the field conditions (plantation of Siberian Garden, Novosibirsk region). Raspberry cultivars Altai Zorenka (cv. 1) and Yellow Giant (cv. 2) differed in the susceptibility to the insect were field tested. In order to provide a reliable occupancy of ecological niche by phytophagous insect and to obtain reliable results, the artificial cane splits were created before the strain application. The results of field test were in line with the laboratory experiments. The B. bassiana activity depended on weather conditions, particularly on humidity. In the more humid 2015, the contrast between two varieties in response to B. bassiana was more pronounced. The efficacy of treatment with 107 CFU/ml fungal suspension was less than 60 % for cv. 1 and 100 % (all larvae died) for cv. 2. The results of this research evidence that the suppression of raspberry cane midge by the potential biocontrol agent depends on berry cultivar, weather conditions and B. bassiana dose. Larvae number and their mortality as well as degree of bark splits occupancy is mainly determined by the differences in raspberry variety and their response to weather changes, and also by the impact of weather on insect population. These results confirm the data of Russian and foreign researchers that 107 CFU/ml concentration of B. bassiana provides a marked effect on Diptera pests.

Keywords: red raspberry, raspberry cane midge, fungus Beauveria bassiana, pest number regulation, biological efficacy.



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