doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.3.616eng

UDC 634.8:581.1:631.559



W.S. Petrov, T.P. Pavlyukova

North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 39, ul. im. 40-letiya Pobedy, Krasnodar, 350901 Russia, e-mail (✉ corresponding author)

Petrov W.S.
Pavlyukova T.P.

Received March 1, 2016


In the Russian Federation, the main production of grapes is concentrated in the southern regions, in unstable weather conditions of a temperate continental climate. When the weather conditions deviate from the optimal values for the grape plants, they experience stress. Embryonic inflorescences are thr most sensitive to abnormal air temperatures in winter, during forced rest of plants. After wintering, the plant loses part of the inflorescence, and the expected harvest of grapes decreases. A degree of realization of the potential of economic productivity is on the average 60 %. In these conditions, the problem of preserving embryonic inflorescences during the wintering of plants, increasing the degree of realization of the potential for economic productivity in varieties of V. vinifera grapes is topical in the Russian viticulture. The aim of this work is to reveal the degree of setting and preservation of embryonic inflorescences during wintering and the level of realization of the productivity potential in grape varieties of different eco-geographical origin. The work was carried out in the vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory with the use of field and laboratory methods on varieties Ekaterinodarskii in the zone of covering viticulture (CJSC Novokubanskoye) and the European-Asian species Vitis vinifera L. — Convar orientalis Negr. (eastern group), Convar occidentalis Negr. (Western European group), Convar pontica Negr. (group of the Black Sea coast), as well as interspecific and intraspecific hybrids in the zone of unguided viticulture on the ampelographic collection (the city of Anapa). Minimum air temperature is the main limiting factor which impacts on grape productivity potential under environmental conditions of the Southern Russia. The dependence of embryonic inflorescence initiation and yield formation on the winter minimum air temperatures was determined on the 72 of grape varieties of different ecogeographic origin. Intergroup hybrids of the V. vinifera (88 %), grape varieties of the orientalis group (85 %), occidentalis group (80 %), pontica group (74 %) and interspecific hybrids (60 %) showed the greatest destruction of wintering buds and the smallest preservation of embryonic harvest of technical grades when the minimum temperature reduced to critical values (-27 °C). Table grape cultivars of occidentalis group were the most affected by cold (83 %), the orientalis cultivars were less affected (80 %) followed by intergroup hybrids (78 %), interspecific hybrids (68 %), and pontica plants (65 %). The productivity level after wintering depended closely on the number of surviving embryonic inflorescence at the beginning of vegetation (r = 0.77). A total of 25 % varieties studied realized their productivity traits inefficiently (only to 50 %), 35 % of the showed 50-60 % of potential productivity, the next group of 27.5 % showed a moderate efficiency (60-70 %), and only 12.5 % of the varieties ensured high (over 70 %) of productivity potential. As a result of the survey, the varieties were selected for practical use and breeding programs with a satisfactory and high adaptability. These are Pinot Franc (60 %), Aligote (61 %), Codreanka (62 %), Pearl of the Hall (63 %), Saperavi (64 %), Chardonnay (64 %), Kunlean (64 %), Bianca (65 %), Kutuzovsky (66 %), Cardinal (68 %), Sauvignon (68 %), Firstborn Magarach (69 %), Riesling (74  %), Alan (74 %), Traminer (75 %), Krasnostop Anap (83 %), and Citron Magarach (86 %).

Keywords: grapes, environment, adaptivity, embryonic inflorescences, growth, wintering, productivity.


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