doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2013.1.95eng

UDC 635.64:631.527.8:631.589.2


V.F. Pivovarov, I.T. Balashova, S.M. Sirota, E.G. Kozar', E.V. Pinchuk

All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
pos. VNIISSOK, Moscow Province, 143080 Russia,

Received March 19, 2012

The gamete selection technologies, wide used at the end of XX at the beginning of XXI century during the adaptability breeding, are needed in improvement. In presented work the authors demonstrated the ways of improvement of sporophyte selection by the use of prebreeding stage, permitting to determine the hereditability of main characteristics of tomato, intended for narrow shelf hydroponics. It was established, that the main parameters of productivity (average number of fruits and average mass of one fruit) are inherited on one's mother's side. The 24 maternal forms were selected from 63 collection variants, which will be able to transfer the mentioned determinants to hybrid progeny.

Кeywords: tomato, sporophyte, breeding, hydroponic on narrow banches.


Full article (Rus)



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